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Additional Resources
www.eia.gov US Energy Information Administration
www.carbontracker.org Carbon Tracker Initiative
www.ipcc.ch Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Intergovernmental body of the United Nations, dedicated to providing the world with an objective, scientific view of climate change. www.ewww.df.org Environmental Defense Fund
www.foe.org Friends of the Earth is an international non-governmental network of environmental organizations in 74 countries.
www.sierraclub.org Sierra Club is one of the first large scale environmental preservation organizations in the world and currently engages in lobbying politicians to promote environmentalists policies.
www.climatecommunication.yale.edu www.climatecommunication.yale.edu Yale University and George Mason University programs studying public views on climate change.
www.oceana.org A non-profit ocean conservation organization focused on influencing specific policy decisions on a national level to preserve and restore th world’s oceans.
www.beyondcarbon.org Ambitious plan to put the U.S. on course to a 100% clean energy economy.