Youth Climate Activists Stage Largest Environmental Protest in History

 In 156 countries, 4 million young climate activists walked out of school to tell the world that the Climate Crisis is destroying the planet and their future and its time to stop talking and start implementing real changes to avoid the worst disasters of a heating world. 

It was the largest environmental protest in history and many adults stood along side the youthful protesters with signs demanding immediate action from government and industry. In Tampa, Florida, they held up posters,  Its Time for Humans to Change Not Climate Change.  In D.C. one sign said ‘There is No Wealth on a Dead Planet.’ 

They were inspired by Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who sailed across the Atlantic in a non-carbon-emitting-boat to attend the United Nations Climate Summit, September twenty-first through twenty-third.  The Fridays-for-Future movement was started by Thunberg when, as a 15 year-old, she stood alone in front of the Swedish Parliament every Friday with the sign, Student Strike for Climate. The Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, Zero Hour and other climate youth groups helped mobilize the massive global marches on Friday. In India, students from 70 cities turned out to protest inaction by world leaders, in particular Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi who is rapidly expanding the number of India’s coal-fired power plants.  In Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, the nation’s capital, students took aim at President Jair Bolsonaro, who they accused of   giving the green light to private ranchers and farmers to burn down large portions of  the Amazon forests for private gain.  In front of the White House Nadia Nazar, a 17-year-old leader of Zero Hour announced, We’re striking today to save tomorrow. Greta Thunberg, small of stature, but with a giant, fearless determination said, When adults act like children, it’s time for children to act like adults and do the job they should be doing. 

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